Which do you prefer?
Abolish the fbi and cia
Very unique graph...
"i DiDN't vOtE fOR eloN!!!1!!1"
A Country That Copied Most of Its Culture from China Accuses China of Copying
China copied Da Nang’s Bridge
First Juice
I hate when that happens
Steal anyone's land today?
Time for another American revolution
Legalize all drugs
What’s your opinion on Hans Herman Hoppe?
Communism means no food
Who are you choosing?
tax dollars, tax dollars and more tax dollars.
Grammys Capitalism’s final stage
What type of anarchist are you?
Why I no longer believe in the paradox of tolerance
Common “defector” L 🤢🤮
socialism cures death!
I haven’t hugged anyone in years, am I cooked?
All they got is racist jokes.. As usual
18f Broke and jobless loll