My first time knolling!! What i carry in my purse :3
Books to read while grieving?
Suggest me a fiction that is so traumatic that it scarred you?
There’s a kid in my mom’s class named “Anjolah”
Cutco knife set given to my wife's grandparents on their wedding day in 1957.
Tragify a song with a first name in the title. I'll start..
Is there a reason my brand new scrub daddy disintegrated after one use?
My cat left for his last walk in the garden before euthanasia and didn't come back. I don't know how to cope with the guilt and not knowing if he's dead
I freaked out when I saw this, but apparently it's a doppelganger
Euthanizing my soul cat tomorrow
What my grief feels like
Where can we buy things without supporting fascism?
My sweet Charlie died in my arms tonight
Burial in wet ground?
C'mon. Let's all play
Turning 40 in June. Anyone else feel off lately?
I'm just gonna leave this here
48f first time posting, told I don't dress "my age"
Shimmering Saree
My 2.5 year old cat went from perfectly healthy to crossing over the rainbow bridge in 12 hours. I am absolutely devastated & feel like a piece of me died with him.
Should I replace the stairs
Help me pick a dress for graduation!!
Best place to meet people in Frankfort
2 carb balance tortillas