Give me your last saved picture/meme
Type, “You are my” and let autocomplete do its thing
What does my art say about me?
What does my art say abt me?
give me some recs
Type “I am” and let your autocorrect finish it
Things you shouldn't say to a police officer
Type "Deadpool and Wolverine" and let auto complete finish it.
Type "I can't stand" and let your keyboard finish it
Type "I love myself becuase_____" and let the thingy do it's thing (image unrelated)
Eating a snack, and saw this
Let your keyboard finish: "I just took a dump in _____"
Which Rule I just Violated???
Type “I want to” and let the left autocorrect button finish the sentence
How cooked are you?
Type "My keyboard is" and let autocarrot finish the rest
Make a story with auto complete only
Type my favourite thing is and let autocomplete do the rest
Do you guys see any difference?
Type out “I am in Alaska and I just…” and let autocomplete finish it
Type "I wish I could go, but my ___ said _______." and let autocomplete fill in the blanks.
Type "Furbies are" and let your phone finish the sentence
Type "furbys are" then let your keyboard do the rest
Type: FUN FACT: and let your phone make up the rest