Have I committed the unforgivable sin
Is God just a bystander when crimes like murder happen?
Why do so many of you try so hard so justify genocide?
Which version is correct?
Why is there some hate towards the LGBTQ in christianity?
Apparently some of yall need to hear this. America is not a Christian country nor was it founded on Christian values
Hey mods since yall took down my post criticizing genocide should I assume yall are pro genocide?
Why don't bibles have the Apocrypha?
How do yall view the nature of Jesus and the relationship between his divinity and humanity?
Why do bad things happen?
My dad doesn’t want me Christian
Can I an Anglican go to a baptist bible study?
I am in tears. Why are there so many Christians that hate us?
Hey I know some of yall get kinda worried about pagan stuff when it comes to certain things like chirstmas. Well for those who may not know Hell (Hel) is the name of a pagan Goddess and her relm the place you are referring to is called Gehenna.
I think jesus was a Demigod who ascended to god hood
Shocking similarity…
Leviticus 19:19
I think God won't forgive me!!
Any books that or articles about angels that are biblically accurate?
Everyone gets mad if Christians say something against others. But why everyone thinks it's OK when others speak against Christianity, and even mock it or insult it?
America was founded by Christians?
I accidently killed many ants. Hope Jesus will forgive me.
Does my denomination matter?
would you still wear it?
how could people truly reconcile homosexuality with the Word of God?