12 months streak of NC - here’s everything I learned
Is this lovebombing?
Is Valentine’s Day a trigger for avoidants?
Drama, you called it
Are these signs he isn’t over the last girl he dated? 21M, 20F
I'm that girl that enjoys talking to you then I turn.
DA bf doesn’t see it progressing
Self Improvement After a Relationship Ends
Why do you always have to explain things to avoidants?
When is it time to move on from an avoidant?
1997 Scholastic Book Fair receipt
The Oscars are a complete joke
Is this creepy?
How realistic do you think it is to change your whole personality in a short time?
Recently broken up and need answers.
Teef many costumes
Im 20 and I hate just about everything about being an adult
Will he get help?
True to form
literally who tf did i date...
Realizing Most People I've Dated Have Been Avoidants
Sending flowers to ex for Valentine’s Day
Men's socks
Is Natural Born Killers a film that works for you? Do you put in your top 5 Oliver Stone films?
work hard, get lucky