Increasing 3v3/2v2 participation
Just wanted to get other people's thoughts on ways to increase participation in 3s and 2s.
I liked the option to use PvP gear in PvE in shadowlands. People love rewards, and gear even more so.
If the PvE item level of conq gear was upgradable depending on CR (not the pvp item level), how would you guys feel about that? You even could use PvE currency to upgrade.
At the minute there isn't much reason for a raider / m+ player to step into nagrand and pop a swifty. Likewise, I'm sure there are some arena players that like to raid.
You may have to have different Ilvl breakpoints across different forms of content (ie heroic ilvl gear at 2100 in arena/rbgs and 2400 in bgb/ss) because of inflation / ignore those brackets to encourage people to play constructed pvp.
Think this would work, or just annoy PvE players?