My husband thinks this is talking shit…

My son asked me at 1:30 p.m. if his dad was home, and I said, “Yeah, he’s been laying in bed all day.” Maybe it was a sly remark because I’m irritated at his lack of contribution, but it’s the truth. If your kid doesn’t even know you’re home because you haven’t interacted with him or seen him all day, that’s a problem.

He came out and got pissed at me for what I said, claiming, “I’ve just been doing what I want to do today, just like you.” Really? What did I do today? I placed a grocery order, picked up the groceries, spent an hour cleaning the kitchen, and made lunch for the kids. Meanwhile, he laid in bed all day. Not to mention, he sent me a text at midnight last night complaining that I’m “not taking care of him” and asking why I “can’t even spend five minutes.” Seriously? Get a grip. I am so sick of carrying the weight while he doesn’t pull his share.