Mystery... Amydrium?

I got a bunch of free cuttings from someone local in the fall — a few assorted Monstera species, an Epipremnum pinnatum, and this lovely plant, which she knew as a "Monstera Amydrium". Based on the growth habit (read: depressingly long internodes 😭), I'm guessing that the Amydrium is correct, not the Monstera... but hey, who knows!

I've yet to lose a leaf, and the latest is the largest, so I think I guessed at the care correctly... But I need up know what it is! I compared it to my Amydrium medium 'Silver', and while they were similar (which also makes me think Amydrium), there were too many differences for me to think this might be a wild-type Amydrium medium... The veining is completely different, the sinus is completely different, and just... The feel of the leaves is. These are thicker and sturdier, I guess?

In the last pic (which was when I got it; that Silver has bitten the dust since 😔) the mystery's first couple leaves are on top, the Silver is on the bottom.