The One Question Absolutely Most Avoided In Nobody / Anomaly Threads
Who started it? Not even why, simply who. If you ask why, you'll get any number and kinds of responses whether pre-planned or on the fly. But what's the point of why without the who?
If you ask who, repeatedly, incessantly, people in those threads really lose their shit. They don't want you to know who. Since the threads were, at least at one point, ever pervasive on GLP and are now 24/7 on 4chan, its evident that who ever started the threads is willing to bombard with enough content and keep sliding to keep avoiding that question.
So I have a simple strategy to get around that evasiveness. It involves building more public awareness of the threads, just like there is now greater public awareness about the QAnon phenomenon. Well these threads predate Q, but have some similarities and also has the potential to be more dangerous, if it isn't already which it may already be. I've known some bad stories about what's happened to be people who associate with threads, but there may be a lot I haven't heard or looked into.
In any case, the strategy is the same. When people see and understand it for what it is, they will be able to call it out, and possibly prevent platforms from hosting them. If the question as to who doesn't get definitively answered, then its still possible to prevent that person or people from carrying it on in other forms or starting over.
Again, the question as to who started them, it's the one thing most avoided, on threads where pretty much anything is talked about, and that doesn't add up. I have a good feeling as to why its avoided, in one word, consequences. Such person, or people, know they would be facing consequences of some kind of they were found out, and they're likely not going to be lenient or short lasting consequences.
That's really the only reason to talk about these, there is no point in enabling the motives and behavior behind the threads, no point in building a mythology associated with them, no point in allowing such people to duck accountability. Think about it, what are they really avoiding and what are they trying to accomplish at the same time?
One more thing, one thing I do know about the threads and those behind them, they want to keep it going as long as possible. Why do you think that is?