I'm letting my sister ruin my wedding

So long story short, I have only one sibling, an older sister. She has always been very abusive-ESPECIALLY at parties, graduations, etc. Basically anytime i've been celebrated she has found a reason to berate and belittle me, often in front of everyone present. this is for things from looking at her wrong, to being too loud, to drinking too much (by her perception), or she'll freak out about being overstimulated and leave etc.

I really wanted to have a bridal party and in order to do so, I had to include her. So now she is in the GC with everyone and has been lying about how I've said no to every dress she wants to wear Which is untrue and I have receipts. she also tyhen wrote a HUGE paragraph about how she didnt like my vision and sent a bunch of links that she thinks the girls should use instead.

That aside, she has also been chasing me down about the bachelorette party. I never asked her to plan this nor did I plan to invite her and I don't know what to do. Its the type of event that triggers her. aloud party where I will be drinking, loud, having a great time, and probably being the center of attention. This always sets her off. SO i feel like my only option is to cancel the bachelorette party and cut my losses or somehow figure out how to do it in secret which also sounds really difficult.

Has anyone dealt with something similar?