I really don’t feel like saying this but please use a better brokerage.

Please for the love of god so help me if I see one more post with a 100,000$ account going long on GME in Robin Hood I’m going to strap a propane tank to myself and become a grill for two seconds before I fucking explode next time momma wants some grilled dogs

Please for the ever loving fuck if you use robinhood sign up on Fidelity! It took me literally 15 minutes today. 15 minutes and I get to sleep soundly knowing none of my shit gets shorted to oblivion.

I will do you one better! When you move to fidelity you can literally fund it directly from Robinhood! Just click on manage account and find transfer brokerage. Then plugin your robinhood account number and BAAM. Now robinhood literally can’t fucking short your game stock shares! They have to send those motherfuckers directly to fidelity and are now out of extra powder.

Somebody with more wrinkles has probably done a better job of explaining this maybe somebody could go the extra 8th mile and create a massive post with it all and have the mods pin it?

🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀GME 800c Apr 4th