Barefoot shoes, reading upside down, and using left hand
Hi guys, I was really anxious about hair loss 3/4 years ago, toward the end of my first year at University. I've since found that my anxiety about losing hair (and my anxiety generally) has reduced a lot. I believe this is because of a few things that I found really helped through experimentation: 1) I started using barefoot shoes for walking around in daily life, and eventually for running as well; 2) I started reading upside down; 3) I started writing upside down with my left (non-dominant) hand and generally using my left hand for all activities in daily life.
To elaborate, by reading upside down I mean rotating the page/website you are reading by 180 degrees, so that your eyes are tracking from the bottom right to the top left as you read through a paragraph of text, or simply from right to left as you read a single line. I do not mean turning yourself upside down to read. By writing upside down with your left hand I similarly mean flipping the page by 180 degrees and writing the letters out from bottom right to top left (I have attached a video example, as it is hard to explain).
I have no scientific evidence that this works to prevent hair loss. I have not lost noticeable amounts of hair since starting to do these things, but obviously that is a sample size of 1 with no control. The reason, however, I really wanted to bring it up on this forum is that I really feel it has massively helped my wellbeing since starting, in part by reducing my anxiety, the focus of which was most often my hair / hairline.
I believe doing these things has helped because it helps balance out the muscles of the eyes and face when reading upside down, as well as the arms and hands when writing upside down with the non-dominant hand. As an analogy, it has felt as though all my life I was doing bicep curls with only one arm, and then I started to balance it out by doing curls with the other arm, and it has brought a sense of enormous release and relief. I think that the barefoot shoes really helped just by strengthening my leg muscles and making them all work in harmony, and allowing me to better feel the imbalances in my body.
I apologise if this post feels irrelevant or stupid, it is not my intention to waste your time! I simply wanted to post all this here because these things have really helped my anxiety about losing hair (and in my personal opinion have also helped minimise hair loss as well) and I felt compelled to share them in case anyone on this forum finds them useful too!
P.S. I will try to attach extra photos of what I mean by reading upside down in the comments; what with the movie of the writing upside down, it is not letting me add any more attachments...