Just whooped a kids ass in a fight
This kid was trash talking me and my little brother about like three weeks ago so i start trash talking back.
He came back today and we scheduled a fight at 3 pm, saying his friends would whoop my ass.
His friend come by and I explain how he started it and he just called them in to do his dirty work for him. (Not exactly what i said but that’s what it was)
I let him get the first punch in, even putting my hands behind my back, but he starts chickening out.
His friends tell him that he can’t talk all that big game and chicken out now and they’d even beat him up if he backed out.
The entire time, they were saying if i did anything, they’d join in, but after he punches me, i punch him back and they instantly back off.
His ass was tooted up like a bitch and he was bent over groaning in pain. Mind you, they were the same ages as me and they chickened out after my first punch.