The Markian Confederation (details)
1 - Country map
2 - Country flag
3 - Country internal map with logistical routes and marine borders
Founded completely in 2004, the Markian Confederation became the first ever country to unite from three culturally similar countries - Sordish Federation, Valgsland and Agnolia, after years of gradual integration since the 1980s.
The state is now the second strongest military and economy after Arcasia. The country has become a second superpower within ATO and the most important Arcasian partner after the years of presidency of Deana Rayne.
Due to successful Deanas Rayne’s leadership, the further integration, identity and country stability is now safe and sound.
Population: 139 million
Gdp: 7 trillion Markian Rens
Language: New Markian (Old Valgish), Sordish, Valgish, Agnolian
Military: 850000 military personnel. Self-developed equipment, aviation, navy, tanks, missiles and other military technology. Has nuclear weapons.
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