Looking for advice for a friend

First I wanted to say, I am proud of everyone here for fighting the good fight. I am a recovering alcoholic and proud to see all of you working hard to better yourselves.

Even though I am over a year sober, I came to ask for advice. During my sober journey, I didn’t have anyone to support me, I did it completely on my own. I am moving all the way across the planet and a good friend I made a few months ago has fallen into the habit of relying on me to support her. I have struggled a lot because, since I had no support, I’m struggling to know how to support her. Now that I’m moving so far, I am worried she will get worse and I don’t know how to help her when I’m gone. I guess I’m asking, what can I do for her even when we’re a 14 hour flight away from each other? Am I being a push over or a bad friend for letting her fall into this habit? Am I selfish for feeling overwhelmed by it all?? Idk how to feel, I’m just lost.