Unpopular opinion - Big OLED TV > Ultrawide monitor for single screen setup
As someone who has tried multiple monitors for a single screen setup ( 34UW -> 40UW - 49SUW - 48 LG OLED TV) The tv has hands down been the most immersive experience I’ve had on a single screen.
Yes, triples and/or VR are better, but for a single screen it’s hard to beat the price / immersion of a big OLED display with a fast refresh rate.
The lack of the extra horizontal space can be argued in the Ultrawide’s defense, but with the correct FOV you can mitigate this to being almost non existent. I also found the lack of vertical space on the Ultrawide’s to be a big let down especially on the 34 and 49. Almost like looking through a letterbox.
Before spending $800+ on one of those “fancy” VA ultrawide’s, consider looking into an OLED TV. I paired mine with a TrackIR head tracker and I don’t feel like I’m missing out on anything.