Possible hot take on Bronwyn opening up to the group about Todd’s infidelity

Let me start out by saying that I think Todd is a horrible husband and that Bronwyn deserves way better. He’s 100% in the wrong for cheating on her and the fact that he tried to blame it on the fact that he is a hard working businessman who always wants the next best thing is absolute bullshit!!

That being said, I am confused as to how Bronwyn expected/wanted the ladies to react to her opening up about him cheating. It seems like she kinda wanted the ladies to bash Todd and tell her how horrible he is. I however find this confusing because if she is choosing to stay with him and move on from the infidelity, why would she want her friends to talk shit about Todd and rip him a new one?

Let me also be clear that I personally do not believe in staying in a relationship when you get cheated on, but some people do stay. So, if Bronwyn is choosing to stay and work past it with him, why is she giving Lisa and Meredith a hard time for not voicing negative things about Todd?

In my opinion, I think Lisa was more silent because she felt uncomfortable speaking on Bronwyn’s marriage. Especially because Lisa has said herself that Bronwyn always talks highly about her marriage and the life she has with Todd. So, I kinda see where Lisa is coming from in her stance. I think she just didn’t want to make more waves with Bronwyn by talking crap about her husband.

On the other hand though, I don’t agree with Meredith saying that maybe Bronwyn is at fault for the infidelity. Todd is 100% accountable for cheating on his wife.

Idk, none of this makes sense to me 🤷‍♀️