Partner 47M has let himself go. He's so overweight that I 37 F no longer want to share a bed with him. How can I fix this?

Partner '49M' has let himself go. He doesn't bother with hygiene. He doesn't even wipe his bottom properly. His breath stinks and he's really overweight, so much so that I no longer want to share a bed with him. How can I fix this? It's like talking to a wall. He has zero self discipline, eats rubbish all day, 3 doughnuts here, greasy meals for breakfast there, ice cream, cookies. Then he spends all day salivating over food programmes. It makes me feel ill. I'm '37 F' a size 6 and he's got a BMI in the 30s. There's also a 12 year age gap so he uses that as an excuse like it's just what happens to men as they age. I'm like no, I end up fat shaming him which doesn't help and we are not very intimate now because he just squashes me and all I see is fat. He has a C PAP too because of his weight. I struggle to sleep when he's in the bed next to me. I haven't even kissed him in years now because of his bad breath and teeth. It's like talking to a wall. He doesn't seem to want to be the best version of himself. I think he is just lazy and takes me for granted. I could have had anyone but I chose him and when I chose him to have my children he wasn't fat and gross. I don't want to feel repulsed by excess weight 247. Help!!