Relapse observations

Well, I had two months and then I did the stupid thing. I could get into why, but I have some more specific questions/observations.

First time I quit was with the help of Clonodine I was prescribed. It worked, but had me wiped out for the first several days when the dose was high. Could barely stay awake. I considered myself fortunate though since not being able to sleep, seems to be a major kratom withdrawal symptom for everyone.

This time i tried without the meds and had the same level of tiredness. So I wonder if that was just withdrawal all along and the meds were not the cause of being so depleted?

I also didn’t taper at all in my latest attempt to stop, in fact the opposite. Tried to just finish a bag Saturday night and then move on. That didn’t work and I didn’t want to be a zombie on the holidays so I’m still in my relapse. Should I try to taper a bit before quitting again? Feel like I set myself up to fail this last attempt. I’m sure it’s unpleasant no matter what, but it seems like I shouldn’t do an extra big amount and then stop.