Anyone else getting really frustrated with the crafting?
Edit: I guess i should've been more clear that I like the update on the whole, just that the crafting itself feels like a slog from my first impressions.
I was having fun with the regular looting and finding a home clearing the area, but I really wanted to learn the new crafting. I made a park ranger character with metalworking trait and headed off to the mccoy cabin. I've now been alive for like 3 weeks and haven't been able to really craft anything or do anything other than foraging.
I made a fishing rod, but can't seem to find any splashes for the fish. I also cant make a chum pile because I don't have the recipe. I was going to try to make a simple hook blacksmithing, but I need a crude whetstone but in order to make a crude whetstone you need to have the recipe. The only thing I can make to level my knapping is to find flint modules and practice knapping on those. Who knows how long that's going to take.
Okay maybe I'll try making something else, but oh no I need not a steel rod that I have, but a steel pole. and you also need metalworking tongs and a metalworking chisel. Nevermind the fact I have a carpentry chisel. Its a different thing. Not compatible at all. You can make it but you need 7 level in metalworking and 8 other items that you'll never find.
It feels like its this never ending cycle of taking 100 steps to just make one simple thing, that's also almost completely useless. I just feel like the recipes are all way too complicated and specific. I understand its all made for multiplayer but in its current state I don't think I'd be worth the time or effort to interact with this even in that context.