Tired of the takfiris
I've posted a fair amount on this sub. I think that many of you have the measure of me by now. I've enjoyed some interesting discussions and chats with people too!
However, I'm sorry to report that I'm still getting called a kafir by people on this sub.
I'm getting tired of reporting and blocking people.
Let me make something clear.
I've been a practicing Muslim since my teens. I wasn't born into a Muslim family. I have children older than many people who comment on this sub, which should give people an idea that I'm not a young person.
I've travelled, lived in a few Muslim countries and studied Islam formerly and informally.
I've met and sat with many great Shayook, many of whom have passed away.
When I comment on here, I often rely on knowledge that I have acquired orally. I can't always cite sources. Sometimes I refer to traditional scholars or texts.
I never claimed to be a scholar or a great Muslim. I am far from perfect.
Recently I suffered a complete mental breakdown. I almost left the Deen.
Many of my problems stem from the years that I spent in a very strict Sufi cult. That experience led to depression and mental health issues and also affected my family.
In response to this trauma, I began to search for a different way of looking at Islam. I also had an epithany and saw some clarity. I let go of a lot of things.
So some of my views and opinions are now quite fringe but are not without scholarly backing.
So if anyone wishes to call me a Kafir, a Murtad or simply cast me into Hell, then go ahead. I shall report you and block you.
And Allah knows best.