Hank Hypercharge Theories

Hank's hypercharge is actually one of the hardest to predict.

As we all know, It's either going to be absolute dogshit or completely change the meta. Let's do a prediction for both cases.

First theory for dogshit hypercharge- Hank's super now heals him for 100% of his health instead of 50%.

Second theory for broken hypercharge- After activating the hypercharge, Hank will be able to use TWO supers.

Do you have any more theories?

Hank's hypercharge is actually one of the hardest to predict.

As we all know, It's either going to be absolute dogshit or completely change the meta. Let's do a prediction for both cases.

First theory for dogshit hypercharge- Hank's super now heals him for 100% of his health instead of 50%.

Second theory for broken hypercharge- After activating the hypercharge, Hank will be able to use TWO supers.

Do you have any more theories?