Ok hear me out the green ranger
WHY IS THE GREEN RANGER SO COMMONLY THE BEST ONE personally the version of power rangers i watched growing up was power rangers RPM
My favorite was the black ranger because hes the literal main character of the show
But i always liked ziggy he was funny and fought the tone of the show After engrossing myself in the series ive found that its not JUST ziggy
Tommy the first green ranger
comes in later becomes the heart of the team basically and eventually becomes the leader hes the perfect foil to the former red ranger while becoming the closest friend
Joel light speed rescue
there's just something about him that's interesting he was the only one to question the government and yet as soon as he found he could save people he was all in
Trip time force
do i really need to explain this one hes a precious jelly bean and he is the first Alian green ranger i think the first Alian aside from andros
Cameron ninja storm
is sarcastic and intelligent hell he wasn't even going to be a ranger because his father sucks but everyone else was like hes the best one for the job
Ziggy rpm
He literally becomes a power ranger by stealing the morpher not only that but he stole it to give it to a mob boss THAT HE USED TO WORK FOR that's just scratchig the surface of this man
These are just my thoughts from the seasons ive watched i have no particular feelings about Adam or damon but
i think ive made my point most people jump between favorite rangers but the only color that has been my favorite more than once is the green ranger
Spoilers For the ranger academy comic
>! the ENTIRE DRIVING FORCE is that the green ranger is cursed and the mc becomes a green ranger thats fucking awesome!<