Kar98k is a one shot but very inconsistent when it comes to headshots in BR

When the kar98k was first introduced I think it was bugged because it couldn’t one shot at 1m distance but now in this season as you can see in the first clip I was able to try it out on bots in the pre game lobby and mind you these bots were not shooting at each other or had any type of damage which will help the kar in doing a one shot headshot. While in the second clip i guess you can see even though my cross hair is exactly aimed at the head of the enemy the bullets either pass through them or don’t register at all (2nd clip’s build doesnt have high grain ammo so thats why the one shot headshot damage range was slightly less than it should be) Tbh this marksman rifle is best suited for rebirth imo cause I tried using it on big map but the amount of inconsistencies I came through make me question my decision of using this gun.