Accidentally took Melatonin

I was visiting family and was given Gavescone for heartburn. I took two tablets at 6pm and pumped three times between then and 6am.

We feed formula overnight because I don’t produce enough. So I pump for milk to use the next day. But he sleeps through the night.

I woke up pump twice but got a really good night sleep. 😴

Today bubs drank the milk after waking up from a 40 minute nap, was up for about 30 minutes and then slept for the first two hour nap in a while.

I was shocked but relieved he got a good nap in.

Then I asked my MIL for a gavescone and she said the one she has is only for nighttime!!

I kept calm but asked for the bottle. Only to see it was a PM version with 5mg of melatonin in each tablet. I has taken two, so 10mg.

I feel horrible that he slept like that because of something I ingested. I didn’t even know that existed. My MIL feels horrible, she didn’t BF so has no idea that it would be transferable to my milk.