The Trust finale (spoilers!)
The men maintained their integrity to the end (except I guess Gaspare's vote for Lindsey) and I was honestly surprised but moved at Julie's turn-around through the season.
But Tolu proved to be a liar as she was the entire season, always justifying it with having to provide as much as she can for her family, even though she probably sabotaged her trustworthiness to everyone else in the real world, for the rest of her life.
For me it was less the outright lies that make her deceitful to the core, but rather how she constantly emotionally supported people and pretended to be on their sides when she was not at all (Bryce as exhibit A) ... going forward, every single person she interacts with will question her sincerity.
There's a famous term from the elite investment bank Goldman Sachs about how they are "long term greedy"—they aren't willing to offend clients or partners for some extra money up front, because that behavior sacrifices the reputation and relationships that maximize earnings in the long run. (Yes, obviously there have been incidents where individuals/teams have gone against this institutional mindset.) Tolu has basically done the opposite, choosing short-term gains at the cost of long-term value creation for herself, and her family.
I hope there's a reunion episode or at least public reactions from the cast. I'd really like to hear specifically from Bryce and Brian, who Tolu specifically cozied up to and then acted completely opposite to what she expressed to them.