Our list of baby names
My wife and I are expecting our little bundle of joy within the week and we have whittled down our list to the following, our problem is neither of us can agree on ones that we love. I’d just like general feedback, any suggestions or anything that could help us land on a name that we both love. If we have a girl then the middle name will definitely be Twiggy or Elsie but that’s all we have concrete.
I would appreciate any additional suggestions for girls names as my wife didn’t like any of my favourites (Cora, Nella, Romy, Nova, Remi, Della)
Girls Eden - Edie Perdita - Perdy (due to this being our IVF baby, the first embryologist was called Jean Purdy) Vesper - Essie/Ves Peta Celeste - Cece Drew Neri
Middle name: Twiggy or Elsie
Boys Eden Conrad Drake Howie Wilder Jude Sasha Cosmos Romney Drake
Thanks all!!! ☺️