What unconfirmed fan theory or non-canon interpretation of a movie actually adds to the movie?

People have went back and forth in discussion around whether or not it was intended in Starship Troopers (1997) for the attack on Buenos Aires to have been a false flag attack perpetrated by the United Citizen Federation either intentionally or accidentally and blamed on the Arachnids. There is some minor circumstantial evidence that points to this interpretation. The officers of the Federation ship that crashed into an asteroid being young, cocky and inexperienced, Carmen nearly crashing the ship leaving dry dock, making course changes without telling anybody - what if Carmen caused this asteroid to redirect and hit Earth?

Klendathu is 20k lightyears away. We see how far away it is on a map in the film, showing the bug homeworld on the other side of the galaxy. Do the bugs really have the capability to launch a direct strike on Earth?

A news report says the bugs are responsible, but the movie is rife with propaganda. The movie in itself is like an in-universe propaganda recruitment piece. We can't trust what the report says. And we don't see the bugs launch an attack on Earth.

But it's also somewhat of a stretch because we don't see the asteroid Carmen hit change its trajectory towards Earth either. There is no documented evidence that a "false flag" attack is what Paul Verhoeven intended to convey.

But there's just enough superficial evidence to support the "false flag" theory if a person so chooses to interpret it that way. And the interpretation reinforces the theme of militaristic propaganda.

I'm curious to read what other unconfirmed fan theories or non-canon interpretations there are of a movie that adds to the movie.