Use Magic: High Cost Glitches/Requirements

Hi folks. Long-time lurker, first-time poster. If you're solving mysteries in Avon St. Pierre, beat it.

I'm the Keeper for my group's new MotW campaign for 3 players. When we did Session 0, we decided this would be set in a fictional American city that was once booming but has since dwindled. We also agreed that magic would be a more sinister thing with high cost, something that demands sacrifice and has harsher effects on the user and world.

One idea I had to reflect this was to swap in some glitches and requirements for Use Magic that were a little more costly. I know the RAW include a few intentionally broad options to accommodate this (i.e. problematic side effects), but I'd like to make the options feel a little more dire. Any ideas on ones that would be fun or interesting to include?

A few notes I had so far :

  • Glitch: The magic shows the user something eldritch/horrifying, throwing them off their game. Maybe a -1 forward for a penalty.
  • Glitch: The magic draws on the life-force of a bystander.
  • Requirements: Has to include fresh components from the living.
  • Requirements: Help from Something Dark/Otherworldly. That help will come with a cost.

Also two caveats:

  • Alternative weird moves are on the table and players are considering them.
  • This would be a two-way street. Any person using magic against them will do so at great expense, perhaps being turned to monsters along the way.

Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

ETA: We haven't started playing yet.