Quick Match pairing needs to be fixed.

I dont play ranked. I'm a casual gamer and when this came out it was a lot of fun. I enjoy close back and forth matches, even if I lose. However, what I feared seems to be coming true.

Match making in quick match seems unbalanced. I'm constantly being obliterated. Our team with a collective 6 kills, their tank with 30 alone. Played one round, our whole team is bronze 3 with one silver 1. Their whole team was gold and plat, with one bronze 1. Like wtf is that match making? It's worse when they shit talk you when you are just trying to enjoy the game. (I have turned voice off, but keep chat up because one friend uses it to communicate.)

It doesn't seem like it would be terribly hard to do for the game to calculate a persons gaming proficiency, they do it with MVPs per game, how about based on players, and average the team and match within a similar average.

But bored comp players in quick play are the worst. One game team makes were so frustrated they kept purposely leaving. Went through like 6 players, only 3 from the original lineup. So clearly we lost since there was almost always 1 if not 2 new players reconnecting before leaving when they saw what they were thrown into.

I wish they could do something about this, because it is the one thing that will get me to quit playing this game I really enjoyed.