This Is In My Opinion, The Most Fun League Season In A Long Time.

Coming from a toplaner.

It feels great to have your ENTIRE team actually present at the start of the game, because they want to get first blood and not give it.

It feels great to have my team constantly rotating around the map, pressuring towers, objectives, and properly rotating around the map to cover a lane if their laner is roaming, resetting, etc so we don't give first tower.

As a toplane bruiser enjoyer, I love that this season rewards aggression. I love that my lane opponent is likely picking something that has kill pressure, whether it be a bruiser, juggernaut, or some ranged shit.

It's way more fun than them picking some stonewall champion like udyr and us never interacting for 15 minutes.

I love all the constant teamfighting and action. It makes me feel like I have much more impact on the game if I'm mechanically better than my lane opponent, and can out perform them in a teamfight instead of us just bouncing waves forever until soul point.

Well done Riot.