This might seem ridiculous... but I have reason to believe that most langauges are related.
Hello! I am a native speaker of Swedish and English. I also learnt Japanese to near-fluent level, and I speak basic Chinese, Hindi, French and Persian. Whilst learning a bit of all of this, I have learnt a lot about the Indo-European language tree, and lot's about the dialects of Arabic. I have seen in multiple cases where words or other things, find eachother on the othersde of the globe (nearly).
Here is one example I found interesting:
The letter N in Katakana (loanword script in Japanese) is written like this:
The letter N (nun) in the Perso-Arabic script is written like this:
And in the Aum symbol of Hinduism (and various other religions) is written like this:
Read from bottom left to top right, अ A ो o म् m. (I am guessing here, but the letter in the top is the m in Aum)
I also found many interesting similarities between English (and Spanish and French mostly) and Arabic.
I am no language scientist, just someone who is interested, so please correct me if I am wrong.