Wtf Are Misplays: Explained

The code snippet here occurs at the end of every fight, updating at the conclusion of combat whether the player wins or loses.

TurnNumber starts at 0 and the loop runs three times for every turn taken in combat, i.e. three loops for a one-turn-kill and six for a two-turn-kill.

Each loop has a 5% chance to increase the num2 variable by one, and at the end of the loop the value of num2 is added to the Misplays stat for the run.

For the purpose of getting minimal misplays, it is optimal to take the least number of turns possible, with a 1-turn battle resulting in an 85.7375% chance of 0 misplays for the fight. With three fights per map (one turn each), three standard bosses (two turns each), and Leshy (three turns), a minimum of 18 turns are required. This gives a 6.2672% chance of 0 misplays with perfect play across all fights. If Leshy is not included in the turn count1, that would instead be a minimum of 15 turns and a 9.9440% chance given perfect play.

1 This seems to be the case, as taking infinite turns after the Moon is dead does not result in a massive increase in misplays.

Oh, And You also get 1 misplay if you lose against a standard enemy (non boss). 😘

The code snippet here occurs at the end of every fight, updating at the conclusion of combat whether the player wins or loses.

TurnNumber starts at 0 and the loop runs three times for every turn taken in combat, i.e. three loops for a one-turn-kill and six for a two-turn-kill.

Each loop has a 5% chance to increase the num2 variable by one, and at the end of the loop the value of num2 is added to the Misplays stat for the run.

For the purpose of getting minimal misplays, it is optimal to take the least number of turns possible, with a 1-turn battle resulting in an 85.7375% chance of 0 misplays for the fight. With three fights per map (one turn each), three standard bosses (two turns each), and Leshy (three turns), a minimum of 18 turns are required. This gives a 6.2672% chance of 0 misplays with perfect play across all fights. If Leshy is not included in the turn count1, that would instead be a minimum of 15 turns and a 9.9440% chance given perfect play.

1 This seems to be the case, as taking infinite turns after the Moon is dead does not result in a massive increase in misplays.

Oh, And You also get 1 misplay if you lose against a standard enemy (non boss). 😘