need help... too sick to clean
right now I am the most sick I have ever been in my life. going on 12 days of being bedridden, not being able to breathe or eat, and sleeping for 16h a day. i don't have tests but I'm sure it's covid. as such my girls have had no daily maintenance or deep cleans. I've been swapping out the dirty liners but right now they don't have any clean ones left and I can't sweep the poop and everything off to wash them. the cage is really, really bad, and it hurts my heart to leave them living in filth like that, plus I'm worried about bumblefoot. I thought about using paper towels as bedding for the time being- would this work? how often would I have to change them? or is there something else I should try? right now it looks awful and I'm ashamed and worried for them but I can't stand longer than a few min so there's very little I can do.
update: thank you so much everyone for your help, I went to the ER and they said it was a really nasty respiratory infection. I'm starting antibiotics tomorrow when my wife can pick them up. my girls are on paper towels and paper bedding rn and I'll hopefully be well enough to get them back in clean fleece in the next few days. I appreciate you all!