ATTN: Black Lesbian couple ISO Black Gay donor

Given the deficit of Black donors available and the ethical issues that could arise from using an unknown donor (i.e. the Netflix documentary “the man with 1000 kids”), my partner (31F) and I (26F) are in search of a known donor. We are interested in a mutual donation (eggs for sperm), and would love to assist in the process of another queer couple growing their family.

The following is our criteria for a known donor:

  1. Racially Black

  2. Located in the U.S. (preferably in the DMV area)

  3. Consenting to the Medical/Legal processes

  4. Open to being a male figure (“uncle”) in our child’s life. (Not 100% necessary but would need to consent to updates on medical history minimally)

  5. Willing to engage in an exchange of donor sperm for donor eggs (the terms of this exchange will be further outlined in a contractual agreement)

  6. Consent to being our exclusive donor

If you or anyone you know fits this criteria please DM me. We are looking to conceive in the next three years but would like to freeze embryos using my partner’s eggs in the next year.