Help a newbie not quit
I'm taking a break from WoW and having a great time leveling my pugilist/monk. The rhythm of the rotations and the mobility of this class are really fun and I'm enjoying solo and group content.
However, I've hit a snag. I'm level 55 and have been stuck doing level 50 MSQ for hours and hours, getting trivial experience and trivial gear. I'm eager to move forward but I looked up the quest chain and I seem to have literally dozens more 50 MSQ remaining.
Do I really have to endure this slog after every single expansion? Every quest is fast travel, talk, fast travel, kill 4 guys, fast travel, talk some more... It's not a world, it's a series of loading screens.
I tried to break up the tedium with dungeon queues but just got stuck doing one of those endgame unskippable cutscene nightmares - I spent 20 minutes alt-tabbed reading the news. I'm hesitant to do FATEs or optional quests because I don't want to outlevel this piddling content even further. I feel like I'm obligated to grind this boring MSQ.
I'm at the breaking point.
I just feel this game is not respectful of my time. I've reluctantly unsubscribed but I have 2 weeks left to change my mind.
Those of you who adore this game, please help me see it through your eyes. I love so much about the gameplay and world but the pace is unreasonably slow and the content is lacking in meaningful engagement. Am I doing something wrong?