All my friends just left me (little stupid rant)

They all picked to leave me, after I got myself a boyfriend, I've told them I'm bi for years yet they don't care and call me weird, they also kicked me out of all the bands we were in together, all because I'm finally happy with myself they all hate me for being a femboy and bi, is this my fault?

(Edit: also for the past week I have been getting made fun of by them, 4 fucking years for all this bullshit, why did they treat me this way they have all said nasty and inappropriate things about me (about how I'm bi so quote "like big buff dudes ") which I told them that's not my type, they still made fun of me for it, they have called me weird, they have called me the F slur a few times. Again, we have been friends for 4 years)

Update: My boyfriend made me feel better :3