Still part time PIMO, but I realized this weekend another big reason I’m more out than in…

It’s the unhealthy inability to disagree or just have a difference of opinion.

In every other aspect of my life, I have disagreements with the people I interact with, in a good way, just healthy differences of opinion.

My wife and I disagree on a lot of things, same with my children, my best friends, my coworkers, my sports team fanbases, and so on. I can discuss my differences of opinion with each of these groups and sometimes sway or be swayed in the discussion. I can still fully be a good husband, or dad, or friend, or coworker or employee and completely disagree with the other person.

I don’t have that option in the church. If I share any real conflict of opinion on church matters with any church friend, leader or family member, everything instantly changes and becomes awkward.

I can’t freely share that church is boring to me or that I think the youth program could be greatly improved with less rigidity, less preaching, fewer unnecessary meetings, make seminary more like a completely optional 10 minute devotional instead of the 5 days a week insane morning hour requirement.

The church has instilled a very high level of protectionism of never disagreeing with church leaders and policy within its active membership, and I think it might be what bugs me the most about it.