Is it just me who regrets purchasing Dying Light 2?
I got the game day one on release. I couldn't even tell if I will like the game much because by the time I was free to do what I wanted, the forced prologue took 2 hours of my available refund time. I refunded it because it felt bad. Slow, floaty parkour, the combat felt blunt, like I was hitting zombies with a feather. I refunded it. 2 years later I buy it again hoping it got better. (It didn't). Uninstalled it. Today I reinstalled it again and I couldn't play for more than 5 minutes. I have 1600 hours in DL1, and I was so excited for DL2, boy this game is a disappointment to this day. I hope at least The Beast will be better.
It's not the fact that the game is too different, but it doesn't feel like Dying Light. To me, a sequel of a game should take what made the game so great in the first place and improve upon them. (Plague Tale Innocence and Requiem did that perfectly) Dying Light 2 does NOT improve upon anything, other than graphics fidelity.