DXM is meth and I lost my voice

Guys I literally TRIED to trip on Friday and did 720mg with edibles but I ended up throwing it all up minutes before it got absorbed (right before the hour mark.) I legit didn’t even trip (only like 1st plat) and I’m pretty sure I burned a hole in my throat due to my stomach acid. I threw up for hours and I my throat was on fire for days. I Also have not slept for more than 3 hours since Friday and my head is killin me. On dxm ITS IMPOSSIBLE TO SLEEP. even the day after, and the day after that. I haven’t eaten since Friday morning and it is now Monday morning and I have no appetite and food makes me sick. My voice is shot out and I soulf like a different persoln 😔 I had to miss my poli sci class and my instructor is going over review for final on FRIDy and I already didn’t do best on mid term

On Saturday I tripped again and didn’t follow the week rule and I ended up gages have a better trip bc of ginger ans tums but I forgot all my passwords and I was convinced I was in a time loop and my whole family with the police and ambulance was about to find me and see that I’m abusing dxm and my room is littered with evidence of drug abuse I did hydrocone the next day for my throat but it made my PAIN WORSE for some reason I’m so mad I haven’t been able to get high because it’s just a waste of product since I’m already suffering and everything I have doesn’t seem to help and all I can think about is dxm. I wanna trip again sooooo bad again and see the potential dxm has it legit is a unique experience and honestly other drugs are kindamore predictable imo every time I did the dxm which has only been 3 times was each experience unique. The first time I can’t explain it was soooo good like Molly and the second was a bad trip and the third was a trippy trip more similar to pysch. Like ugh there’s js so much potential for dxm and I Amazon is my plug so I don’t even gotta leave my house it’s toooo convenient so if I wan a quick fix js use dxm and it’s not super expensive either (even tho I’ve spent like 100 dollars in the last week)

Anyways tldr; I haven’t slept more than 5 hours in past 3 days and I can’t sleep bc of dxm and it made me lose my voice and appetite and severely damage my throat due to acid and the dxm in it prolly made it worse.

ALSO TIPS THAT WORKED FOR MY SEVERE NAUSEA AND PURGING: I honestly thought nothing could save me from the purge. But ginger tea, capsules (to not taste the battery acid pills), and tums after like an hour when ur starting to trip and feel like ur gonna throw up is hella helpful atleast for me, but don’t take them before and don’t at all if u can help it (It can also affect absorption so b careful) but using all these combined, it really does work. swallow the pills with the ginger tea btw it makes it even more helpful and pleaseasnt. Barely got nauseous and I did end up throwing up a little but it was a very very small amount, I am also not a long term user. I ALSO split my dose into 4, doing 2 capsules every 15 mins which was like a high 600mg dose I can’t remember. Use a heating pad too for ur stomach (IT RESLLY HELPED), and I wasn’t doing this last time but get high BEFORE u do the dxm. U wanna be zooted 100% (not coming up or just “feeling it”, that was my mistake before, but that was cuz I did edis. If u smoke u can honestly do it while dosing or 10 mins before. I also did 2 Ben instead of 1, which probably helped as well.