Boyfriend got really drunk and blocked me
TL;DR I feel very upset today because my boyfriend recently blocked me while he was drunk
Hi my name is Courtney 18F my boyfriend name is nick 18M recently he got really drunk and blocked me here is the whole story. During our relationship he told me he won’t get drunk etc and drink with respect he went to his cousins house and didn’t tell me he would get drunk. I didn’t even think he would because I trusted him. Recently today I noticed he followed some new girl as a joke I messaged him “lol who is this girl” and he started typing “km at my cousinzzz house” I was very confused on why he was typing this odd I replied “lol are you drunk” and he said no? And sent me a voice message he kept typing very oddly drunk with misspelling of words etc and he was like “you dknt tkrusj me” I said calm down please and I kept calling him he said “no.. no bro” and blocked me.. I was crying for hours I know he might unblock me once he gets sober but if he doesn’t it’s really over for good. I feel like he did some dumb shit due to him being drunk like following a girl and following another girl I told him to unfollow earlier because it made me uncomfortable. I tried texting him in my other accounts but it’s just “you djnt trust me I didn’t say shit I cantk get drunk if I want too!” Than blocked again… I’m very worried I don’t know what to do I’ll update you guys but for now I need support I have terrible BPD and it’s making this worse