cmv: Pro-lifers that carve out exceptions for rape are morally inconstant.
I would like to start by saying that this is not a pro-life vs pro-choice post. That's not the point of this CMV, so I won't be engaging with the comments that are arguing for/against pro-life.
In the discussions on reddit about abortion, you'll often see pro-choicers demonize pro-lifers for not carving out exemptions for rape when they are discussing their views. You'll see pro-choicers justify their view by saying that someone shouldn't carry their rapists baby. This is a completely fair view with in the context of bodily autonomy. The problem is that this view doesn't matter in the context of "all human life has some inherent value" the way that pro-lifers believe.
The life of someone who was conceived by rape isn't any less valuable than the life of someone who was conceived in some other manner. So for the people who believe that all human life has some inherent value and should be protected, why would it make sense for them to carve out exceptions for rape?
Why wouldn't it be considered morally inconsistent if they make those exceptions?