Haven't built a rig in 6 years, done with laptops...looking for fine tuning advice on potential build

Current build concept: https://ca.pcpartpicker.com/list/hjcKWb

So I'm looking to build a high-end gaming PC that won't have to be upgraded for several years as I currently have money to blow and I've had enough of laptops.

I want dual monitors (ideally dual 1440p, ~27" assuming I can make it work with the budget), I could really use help with monitor suggestions as I don't know much of any substance on that front!

I have a solid laptop that I'll be using for now as I plan on picking the components up over the next few months as GPUs are in short supply and I'd also like to wait for the Ampere cards to launch to grab one of those in the unlikely event that they aren't ridiculously expensive and available

I really want to use it mostly for playing EVE Online in the background on one screen while playing other significantly more hardware intensive games, doing work, etc on the other screen. I'm sure an i9 is severe overkill for this but the box looks hella cool

I'm not an Intel fan boy or anything, so I'm certainly open to AMD. The way I understand it, on a core-to-comparison Intel's cores are simply "better" - somehow, and given that most games don't take advantage of multiple cores the shit load of cores AMD throws-in aren't all that relevant and can even be counterproductive where heating is concerned (coming from the guy who's currently spec'd out for an i9 for no apparent reason...)

I want the system to run extremely quiet and cool (I'm not yet comfortable doing my own custom water cooling loop). Last time I went with stock water cooling but I've heard great things about the bulky CPU fans these days

I'd really appreciate any fine-tuning advice for squeezing the best price-to-performance out of my build with what uses I have in mind for it

Budget: ~$3,500 CAD (including the 2 monitors)