Can you describe your first 4-8 weeks of breastfeeding? What should I be expecting?

FTM and learning a LOT about breastfeeding in my baby’s first 10 days of life. I was on the mag drip during and after delivery, so milk was delayed, and I spent the first 5 days of her life on the phone with multiple LCs, crying and worried about diapers, supplementing with formula, and questioning if I could really do this. Well, thankfully my milk has come in 🙌🏼 , baby is latching well on both sides, and I’m pumping once or twice per day so my husband can do bottles when needed. The first few days I pumped, I got almost 6 oz in 15 minutes! Today, I only got 4.5 oz, but baby is cluster feeding, so maybe there is less in there?

I feel like I’ve learned so much, but I want to be on top of establishing milk supply and better understanding her hunger cues and needs. I went into this experience hoping to BF for a year. I’ll be at home for 16 weeks before going back to work, and I want to maximize the time I’m off to establish good breastfeeding practices in that time. I would love to hear from others what these first couple of months of breastfeeding are like.

Some questions I’ve been thinking about: 1) does your milk supply stabilize by the end of the first month? 2) how much should I be expecting to pump in 1-2 sessions per day by the end of 4 weeks? 8 weeks? 3) do you typically let the baby nurse each side until they let go or do you keep it to 10-15 minutes each side? 4) what things surprised you or were you not expecting in the first couple of months? 5) did you just take the full night shift and BF on demand or pump in bed and let partner take a bottle?

Would love ANY and all thoughts/advice here