Describe your typical breastfeeding session

I have a 5w old and I was wondering how our BF sessions compare to other people's.

I usually start my baby on my right boob because it's his least favourite one (still haven't worked out why). He'll be on for 4-8 intense minutes before getting fussy, usually because he needs burping. I burp him and put him back on the same boob. At 12-15 minutes, he'll delatch and will refuse that boob. I then switch him to the left side, where he usually latches easily and goes another 15-20 minutes with some breaks for burping and a generally slower rhythm with deep breaths. Sometimes I also switch him back to the right if he gets fussy on the left. He eventually unlatches and tends to fall asleep on my boob. I usually do a nappy change during one of the breaks. In total, he nurses 25-35 minutes net of breaks.

It takes on average 1 hour to go the full cycle, then he usually sleeps or is content anyway. The shortest it has been is 45 mins, 1.5 hours is on the upper end.

How about you?