To moms who nursed past 12 months—-

I have questions lol. My LO is going to be 12 months in a couple weeks. I’m a working mom and pump three times at work in order to make bottles for the next day. I am the definition of a just enougher. With her turning one at the beginning of cold/flu season, and the fact that I just don’t want to give up the bonding, I’m not planning on weaning right away. So my questions are:

  1. Are you still pumping at work and if so, how often? I think my work is fed up with the pumping. I don’t think I’ll be able to pump more than just on my lunch break. I don’t mind her getting alternate milk during the day, but I don’t want my supply to dry up if I’m not emptying at all during my 9 hour day. I’d also love to be able to nurse when I’m home on the weekends.

  2. If you do pump, what do you do with the milk? Give it to them in bottles still? Sippy cups?

  3. When home, do you offer it to baby or wait until they ask?

I am so looking forward to this transition of nursing beyond a year, but it’s hard to wrap my head around it not being the primary source of nutrition. TIA!