Trouble latching without a shield
Hello. Sorry for any formatting issues, I am new to the sub. I have an almost 4-week-old baby boy and at the hospital, he was able to latch but fell asleep on the breast after just a few minutes. The hospital wasn't going to discharge us without a plan to supplement with formula so we bought that and started feeding from a bottle at 2 days old. I started to have more and more trouble getting him to latch and my sister suggest nipple shields as a bridge. That worked but the way the shield is only my nipple is in the baby's mouth, not any areola. So my nipples are sore and bordering on cracking. Now when I try to get him to latch on just bare nipple he freaks out. Nothing seems to placate him except the shield. Everywhere I've looked says that shields should be temporary tools and I don't want to use them for an extended period. The extra step of getting the shield on is a pain and makes it difficult to nurse without taking my entire boob out. I have a consultation with an IBCLC on Friday but I'm worried we'll get there and he won't latch at all. It is beyond frustrating and I cry daily. Any advice Reddit?