I wonder if the young ‘uns realise just *how dominant* Spielberg was in the 80s
A while I go I compiled this list of every movie Steven Spielberg and his co-conspirator George Lucas had a hand in during the pre-Dreamworks / Prequels era. And it made me recall that, it wasn’t just that Spielberg made great films of his own, it was that he also produced and ‘presented’ a tonne of great films, often by directors who would go onto be Blank Check filmmakers themselves. Spielberg and Amblin were basically synonymous with ‘quality family films’ for 80s-90s kids like me. And even the flops - like Batteries Not Included - were unique and interesting. Not to mention all the Indiana Jones, ET, and Gremlins knock-offs. The equivalent today would be like Christopher Nolan also producing 2 movies are year that were almost as big hits as his own films.