My baby is dropping in weight percentile consistently

Birth weight: 6 lb 8 oz

1 month: 8 lb

2 months: 9 lb 11 oz

2 months 2 weeks: 10 lb 2 oz

I’m primarily breastfeeding, with 2-3 bottle feeds of pumped milk per day. We’ve done weighted feeds, and she typically takes around 2 oz per session. She feeds frequently—at least 12-13 times a day, with each session lasting 6-15 minutes.

Our pediatrician recommended adding ½ tsp of high-calorie formula to 2 oz of milk when bottle-feeding. Based on our rough estimates, she’s consuming around 20 oz per day, though getting her to take that much is a challenge. She often isn’t interested, and finishing a bottle can take a long time.

She’s a generally content baby and doesn’t fuss much, even when going long stretches without eating. If we don’t wake her, she often sleeps through the night. Recently, we started sneaking in 1-2 dream feeds, and she surprisingly takes 2-3 oz in her sleep. Oddly, after 7-8 hours without a feed, I’d expect her to wake up fussy and hungry—but she often isn’t. She roughly has 4-5 wet and 1-2 poopy diapers everyday.

I have an overactive letdown, so I’ve been trying to pump before feeds, especially after longer gaps. It feels like we’re doing everything we can, yet she’s still not gaining as expected. Her weight percentile has dropped from the 25th to the 8th, and I’m struggling to understand why she isn’t hungrier or more eager to eat.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!