Religions, if true, are infectious curses
*God is just.
**Punishing someone for something they don't know is wrong, is unjust.
Therefore God is unable to punish the ignorant, if he wishes to remain just.
This destroys all abrahamic religions.
If the humanity never received God's word, everyone would go to heaven by default.
Therfore the "word of God" is actually a curse. a curse to damn the people who know about it.prophets and preachers are curse spreaders.
Spreading the "word of God" should be considered the most heinous crime a human can commit.
How am I wrong?
Edit: This story will clarify my standing, this was a comment in response to a muslim friend, but also applys to other abrahamic faiths:
Imagine someone had zena ( having relations with the opposite gender without being married) and dies. If he is lucky and never introduced to islam ...Allah can't punish him because he did not know it was wrong.( which isn't because nobody was harmed in any way) BUT if he was unlucky enough to hear about islam, he will burn in hell (maybe forever) because he commited a victimless crime.